MAACE 2024
Support Staff
of the Year
Danielle White

Danielle is a first-rate data manager. She knows every aspect of her job. Data managers from other programs seek her out for information. There is no aspect of this role that she isn't highly informed in. There is no other person who could take her place. She goes well beyond the scope of her role to assist others when she can. If we do not know an answer to something, we always know we can go to her for it.
Danielle is the single mother of three children. She works two jobs. She works full time as a data manager for our college and then goes in to work as an assistant manager for a convenient store. She completed her associates degree while working both jobs and raising her children alone. She works two jobs not because she wants to, but because she has to for her children. A few years ago, she found out her father had a very serious cancer. By the time they caught it, it had already spread to his brain. On top of working two jobs and taking care of her children, she began taking her father to treatment appointments and taking care of him when necessary. This lasted for several years, and they were very close. Unfortunately, he lost his battle with cancer a few weeks ago. She continues to push through her pain and excel in her role as data manager.
Danielle knows her role and responsibilities. She knows the ends and outs of our program. She is very driven and has high expectations for herself. If we have questions about something, She usually knows the answer. Other data managers look to her advice for TABE, DRC, and LACES.
She never gives up. No matter what is going on in her personal life, she always gives her best effort. She works hard to reach her goals and doesn't make excuses.
She is an outstanding Data Monitor. She is one of the most organized people I know and does an awesome job. She also keeps all the instructors in check and stays on top of paperwork as they should.
She always goes above and beyond her job description (without being asked) to ensure the success of our instructors and students. She knows LACES inside-out, can wrangle an Excel program with one hand behind her back and answer the phone at the same time. She is always finding new and better ways to help the program. She keeps up with post-testing and attendance and lets instructors know who needs to test, which subject(s) and what level. She created an easy-to-follow guide for Desktop Monitoring and other reports, saving Instructors time. She keeps track of our 2nd Chance students and submits invoices for students' mileage and testing fees. (The spreadsheet is beautiful!) She does not wait for others to create easier ways to success. She takes the initiative and does not waste a minute.
She has an extremely close relationship with her family. She has always been a Daddy's girl. Sadly, her father was diagnosed with cancer last year and passed away this month. She has been driving him for testing and treatments for months, taking time off when she needed it. Even while Danielle was going through these hardships, she did not neglect her children or her job. When our Director was out on FMLA some of this period, Danielle had to step in and assume (with other staff) some of the duties. They organized and conducted registration, day-to-day business and even organized and conducted December graduation. Her job did not suffer. She is a great employee and friend.
She knows data! She is very good at helping the instructors save time by learning how to use the data that is available. She has a good relationship with students and does not hesitate to call the student, parents or guardian as needed. She does not hesitate to find students who need to post-test but have been skipping classes. She has even been known to tutor students in math. Going beyond her job description, She works with our other campuses to ensure that everyone knows how valuable data can be and how to use it. She uses technology to enhance everyone's job performance.
She loves her job. It shows in the quality of her work, her relationships with teachers, students and other personnel at our school. She is also completely trustworthy. She demonstrates the values of our college's Adult Education to ensure instructor and student success. We are so lucky to have her as our Data Manager.
(information above was taken directly from the nomination submissions)